The HRUSB-MaxSonar-EZ sensor line is a cost-effective solution for applications where precision range-finding, space saving, and low-cost are needed. This sensor component module allows users of other more costly precision rangefinders to lower the cost of their systems without sacrificing performance. Additionally, this sensor line allows cost-sensitive designers to choose this precision sensor as a performance upgrade over other lower performance sensors. The HRUSB-MaxSonar-EZ sensor line provides high accuracy and high resolution ultrasonic proximity detection and ranging in air, in a package less than one cubic inch. This sensor line features 1-mm resolution, target-size compensation for improved accuracy, superior rejection of outside noise sources, internal speed-of-sound temperature compensation. This ultrasonic sensor detects objects from 1 mm to 5 meters, senses range to objects from 30 cm to 5 meters, with large objects closer than 30 cm are typically reported as 30 cm.
This sensor comes with mounting holes provided on the circuit board for easy installation in nearly all applications. In addition, the MB1413 offers virtually noise free distance readings through the use of high-output acoustic power combined with continuously variable gain, real‑time background automatic calibration, real‑time waveform signature analysis, and noise rejection algorithms. This holds true even in the presence of many of the various acoustic or electrical noise sources.
- USB interface for simple computer connection and easy use via a COM port
- USB Micro-B connector is industry standard
- Stable and reliable range readings and excellent noise rejection
- Continually measures and outputs range information
- Continuously variable gain for control and side lobe suppression
- Designed for protected indoor environments
- Low cost ultrasonic range finder
- Less than 1 cubic inch in size with easy mounting
- Long range object detection
- Small and easy to moun
- RoHS compliant
- Virtually no sensor dead zone, objects closer than 30 cm range as 30 cm
- Small, light weight module
- Designed for easy integration into your project or product
Package Includes:
1 x MaxBotix MB1413 HRUSB-MaxSonar-EZ1
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