AI-Thinker has a dev board which contains a relay, buzzer, a temperature/humidity sensor and a number of different colour LEDs, the intention apparently being to provide a simple device to start playing with IoT.
However, the ‘brains’ of the board is not the ESP-8266 on the board but is in fact an STC15L2K32S2 microcontroller which unfortunately is what the relay, buzzer, sensor and LEDs are connected to.
However, you can still make use of the ESP-8266 by isolating it from the STC chip.
ESP8266 Cloud Feature Beta Black Board T5 supports 802.11 b / n / g wireless standards MCU platform developed Support UART / GPIO data communication interface Support STA / AP / STA + AP coexistence mode 3 AA batteries / 5V power supply adapter
It Supports STA / AP / STA + AP coexistence mode Support SmartLink intelligent networking capabilities (provided APP) Support wireless upgrade firmware WPS support networked configuration Built onboard antenna Temperature and humidity sensor RGB three-colour light adjustable AT command set provides a rich configuration Cloud services are available free of AiCloud debugging.
- Original Ai Thinker’s ESP8266 Chipset.
- Onboard Power ON-OFF button
- Support wireless upgrade firmware WPS
- Onboard Wifi antenna
- Onboard Temperature and humidity sensor
- RGB three-colour Status light.
- Two-way Input power supply
- Soldered 3 x AA battery holder.
Package Includes:
1 x ESP8266 Cloud Feature Beta Black Board T5
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